Program Elements

Science Publications

This program elements supports the following publications:
  • Publication of Rubin survey strategy research by members of ALL Rubin science collaborations in the planned ApJS special edition publication.
  • Publication of the Science Roadmaps by TVS and SMWLV
  • Topical science publications produced as collaborative efforts under the aegis of one or more of the participating science collaborations.

Online Workshop(s)

One or more virtual workshops will be held to kickstart projects and research partnerships.

Software Tools, Services and Training

Access to JupyterHub system established by SSSC will extended to all members of the participating science collaborations, providing access to Cloud-based computational and data storage and sharing facilities.

Kickstarter Grants Program

Members of the participating science collaborations will be able to submit proposals for grants of around $20,000 to support Rubin-themed research. Partnerships between institutions with estiablished Rubin research programs, and those new to Rubin, will be incentivized. Particular emphasis will be placed on the equitable and impactful allocation of resources, and proposals that serve to enhance the science collaboration community are encouraged.